Aqil ada kawan baik di nursery, Thennet. The teachers said, at his age, they do not know how to make friends. They usually play around with everyone, but they do not know how to interact with each others. But somehow, Aqil and Thennet love to play with each others. They do everything together. The teachers too are amazed with their friendship..pagi2 kalau hantar Aqil, Thennet dah ada, senang nak tinggalkan...sebab dia terus main. Kalau tak.."NOO Mama".
Last week kami beramai-ramai ke museum Auckland, sbb free for resident Auckland!! Ambil peluang..walaupun kalau kena bayar hanya $5 utk dewasa dan budak bawah umur 16 tahun free, but museum..dah tahu, tak best punya..hahah.. The museum ada 3 tingkat, kami sempat pegi 2 floor sahaja. I don't think NZ banyak history, sbb ada brg2 yg dipamerkan were from the 70's!! Zaman mama tu..ehh..dah tua dah ya..boleh masuk museum kisah ku!! Sebelum ke museum, we went to the starship hospital melawat adik khael, 8 mth baby boy yang bertarung nyawa dgn penyakit exzema..sedih tengok . a very strong boy with strong parents. Betullah, ALLAH takkan uji hambaNya dgn sesuatu yang tak mampu diharungi!! Semoga cepat sembuh! Then after we went for lunch at auckland domain where the museum is. Makan pau strawberry!! Sedap cik june buat..nanti nak order!!